How Do I Start Investing When I'm Afraid To Lose Money?

Understand risk is part of investing - you may lose some money. But in the long-run, the stock market tends to go up.

Start small - invest a little at first so any losses will be small. You can increase investments over time.

Focus on long-term goals - investing is best for 5+ year goals. Short-term fluctuations shouldn't matter.

Diversify your investments across many companies and sectors to lower risk. Don't put all your money in one stock.

Invest regularly over time - dollar cost average into the market to smooth out ups and downs.

Choose broad index funds that track the whole market rather than picking individual stocks.

Understand your risk tolerance - be honest about how much volatility you can stomach.

Have an emergency fund for expenses so you don't have to sell investments at a loss in down markets.

Avoid checking your investments daily - short-term changes can cause panic. Review periodically.

Don't try to time the market - studies show this rarely works for individual investors. Stay invested.

Seek help from a fiduciary advisor if needed - they are legally obligated to serve your best interests.

Learn about investing - knowledge can help overcome fear of the unknown. Start reading!

Focus on what you can control - your savings rate, diversification, costs. Not short-term returns.

Remember your why - your financial goals and reasons for investing in the first place.

Believe in capitalism - over the long run, investment in productive assets should pay off.