Survey sites like InboxDollars pay you to take surveys. Most surveys pay $1-3 and take 5-10 minutes. You can easily make $10 in 10 minutes.
Amazon Mechanical Turk, Clickworker, and Appen pay for tiny jobs. Data input, transcription, and image categorization can make you money fast.
List your item on Facebook Marketplace, Craigslist, or OfferUp. Clothes, books, and obsolete electronics sell quickly. Meet a buyer locally.
If you have a neighbor with kids, offer to watch their kids for 10 minutes while they run an errand. Charge $10 for your time.
Offer to do quick yard work for a neighbor. Rake leaves or shovel snow for $10.
Offer to walk your neighbor's dog around the block for $10. A 10 minute dog walk could earn you quick cash.
Sign up for UberEats, DoorDash, Instacart. Take on a quick delivery gig that takes 10 minutes.
If you love to bake, whip up some cookies, muffins or cupcakes. Post online that they're for sale for cheap.
Knock on doors and offer to quickly wash a neighbor's car for $10.
Offer quick freelance tasks online in copywriting, data entry, web research. $10 can be earned in just 10 minutes.