Annual Payouts of Nearly $1 Billion from Warren Buffett's Four Largest Dividend Holdings

Bank of America delivers nearly $992 million annually, making it Berkshire's top dividend payer

With its unrivaled brand loyalty and innovation, Apple chips in close to $879 million per year

Occidental Petroleum, a relatively new Berkshire holding, contributes over $843 million across common and preferred shares

Coca-Cola's globe-spanning sales and 3+ decade holding status secure $736 million in yearly income

Buffett's cost basis on Coke is only around $3 per share, meaning a 60% dividend yield on initial investment

Between its top 4 payers, Berkshire Hathaway rakes in $3.5 billion in dividends every year

On average, these 4 stocks alone provide $9.5 million in daily dividend earnings

Berkshire's payouts will continue rising as Apple, Occidental and others hike their dividends over time

Income investors would be prudent to learn from Buffett's long-term dividend compounding approach